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New parts in LPub3D

In this folder you can find the libraries LPub3D uses:

C:\Users\[your user]\AppData\Local\LPub3D Software\LPub3D\libraries

Here you need to make sure the latest is stored.

If you need non published parts available just copy/past those XX.dat files into the file and restart LPub3D and voila the missing parts are visible and not anymore showing as ablack cube.

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Change a few steps to call out

If you have sub parts consisting of a few parts and steps you can decide to move them to a call out. In below text it is briefly explained.
This is a way to reduce the number of pages of your building instruction or leave out the pages with just a small number of steps. Below an example of a sub part with just 10 parts and 2 steps.

Continue reading Change a few steps to call out
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Replace sub parts with complete part for Bill of Materials

Certain parts like shock absorbers or universal joints you like to place in your MOC in actual place and configuration. As you can see in the example at the right the universal joint is bent in an angle. You do that by using the separate elements and place them in the required position. Problem is the final Parts list where you like this one to show up not the loose parts . Continue reading Replace sub parts with complete part for Bill of Materials

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MLCad activate new parts list from LDraw

New parts list is made available by LDraw here. The most annoying point how to get these new parts visible in MLcad. This was the challenge because the rest is explained clearly, how to get the list installed or only the added parts via .exe installer or via Zip-file to add only those parts you like to add. Continue reading MLCad activate new parts list from LDraw