// LPub3D commands
-pf, --process-file: Process ldraw file and generate images in png format.
-pe, --process-export: Export instruction document or images. Used with export-option. Default is pdf document.
-fs, --fade-steps: Turn on fade previous steps. Default is off.
-fc, --fade-steps-colour <LDraw colour code>: Set the global fade colour. Overridden by fade opacity - if opacity not 100 percent. Default is Very_Light_Bluish_Grey
-fo, --fade-step-opacity <percent>: Set the fade steps opacity percent. Overrides fade colour - if opacity not 100 percent. Default is 50 percent.
-icr, --ignore-console-redirect: Turn off automatic launch of command console session if one does not exist - batch mode only. Default is off.
-hs, --highlight-step: Turn on highlight current step. Default is off.
-hc, --highlight-step-colour <Hex colour code>: Set the step highlight colour. Colour code optional. Format is #RRGGBB. Default is Bright Yellow (#FFFF00)
-of, --pdf-output-file <path>: Designate the pdf document save file using absolute path.
-rs, --reset-search-dirs: Reset the LDraw parts directories to those searched by default. Default is off.
-x, --clear-cache: Turn off reset the LDraw file and image caches. Used with export-option change. Default is off.
-r, --range <page range>: Set page range - e.g. 1,2,9,10-42. Default is all pages.
-o, --export-option <option>: Set output format pdf, png, jpeg or bmp. Used with process-export. Default is pdf.
-d, --image-output-directory <directory>: Designate the png, jpg or bmp save folder using absolute path.
-p, --preferred-renderer <renderer>: Set renderer native, ldglite, ldview, ldview-sc or povray. Default is native.
-v, --version: Output LPub3D version information and exit.
// 3DViewer (LeoCAD) commands [not tested]
-i, --image <outfile.ext>: Save a picture in the format specified by ext.
-w, --width <width>: Set the picture width.
-h, --height <height>: Set the picture height.
-f, --from <time>: Set the first step to save pictures.
-t, --to <time>: Set the last step to save pictures.
-s, --submodel <submodel>: Set the active submodel.
-c, --camera <camera>: Set the active camera.
-obj, --export-wavefront <outfile.obj>: Export the model to Wavefront OBJ format.
-3ds, --export-3ds <outfile.3ds>: Export the model to 3D Studio 3DS format.
-dae, --export-collada <outfile.dae>: Export the model to COLLADA DAE format.
-html,--export-html <folder>: Create an HTML page for the model.
--viewpoint <front|back|left|right|top|bottom|home>: Set the viewpoint.
--camera-angles <latitude> <longitude>: Set the camera angles in degrees around the model.
--orthographic: Make the view orthographic.
--highlight: Highlight pieces in the steps they appear.
--shading <wireframe|flat|default|full>: Select shading mode for rendering.
--line-width <width>: Set the with of the edge lines.
--html-parts-width <width>: Set the HTML part pictures width.
--html-parts-height <height>: Set the HTML part pictures height.
-vv, --viewer-version: Output 3DViewer - by LeoCAD version information and exit.